In Safe Hands.

About Peter Pitton

In Good Hands.

About Peter Pitton

Safety, knowledge, experience and sovereign acting are the pillars of my activity -- Peter Pitton

Peter Pitton

Since more than 20 years I’ve been busy in General Avia­tion, Busi­ness Avia­tion and Flight Instruction.

With more than 8000 hours of world­wide flying expe­ri­ence as well as nume­rous hours of theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal flight instruc­tion I can offer expert know­ledge and expe­ri­ence for aircraft owners and opera­tors (private as well as business).


1987–1993 Studies of Elec­tro­nics Engi­nee­ring at TH Darm­stadt, Germany

1999–2000 Pilot trai­ning PPL, CPL, ATPL

08/2000 Typera­ting trai­ning C525

01/2001 License Flight Instructor

04/2001 Aero­ba­tics training

05/2001 CPT Upgrade C525

06/2001 Deve­lo­p­ment of theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal typera­ting course Extra400
Instruc­tor and Exami­ner Extra400

02/2003 Typera­ting Instruc­tor C525

03/2003 Manager crew trai­ning and deputy manager flight opera­ti­ons:
Triple Alpha GmbH, Düsseldorf

08/2003 Exami­ner-license: SEP, Extra400, C525

02/2004 Trai­ning: C500/C550/C560

11/2004 Private aircraft opera­ti­ons in Vienna, Austria:
Trai­ning heli­c­op­ter PPL, opera­ti­ons of a C525
Accep­tance, deli­very and opera­ti­ons: C525: CJ1+
Accep­tance, deli­very and opera­ti­ons: Cessna Caravan C208B

01/2008 Pilot und manager flight opera­ti­ons:
HTM Jet Service GmbH & Co. KG, München

01/2008 Typera­ting C560XL/XLS

08/2009 Typera­ting C680

08/2009 Deve­lo­p­ment and flight opera­ti­ons C680, world­wide opera­ti­ons,
Typera­ting AS-355

08/2011 TRI & TRE C680

06/2012 Deve­lo­p­ment Typera­ting trai­ning courses and manuals C560XL/XLS,
Avia­tion Academy Austria, Neusiedl am See, Austria

03/2013 Simu­la­tor Evalua­tion und Certi­fi­ca­tion:
Avia­tion Academy Austria: C560XL/XLS

01/2014 SFI C560XL/XLS

09/2014 TRI & TRE C560XL/XLS

09/2016 SEN Exami­ner LBA, Germany

11/2018 Accep­tance and Deli­very of first of two C680+, Putting into service within a NCC-opera­tion, Super­vision of pilots

03/2019 SFI ATR42/72

09/2019 Accep­tance and Deli­very of second of two C680+

04/2021 Base trai­ning, Line trai­ning and Flight Cali­bra­tion trai­ning of 6 pilots for a Sene­ga­lese C680+

06/2023 Auslie­fe­rung und Über­füh­rung von 2 C680A from factory in Wichita to Sofia, Bulgaria

07/2023 Line trai­ning of 4 pilots on C680A for an opera­tor in Sofia, Bulgaria

07/2024 Deli­very of a C680 with wing­lets from factory in Wichita to Prague as well as base trai­ning and line trai­ning for their pilots