
Content responsibility

Peter Pitton ATC
Kuef­stein­strasse 28/5
3107 St. Pölten, Austria
+49 173 6737599


VAT Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Number

UID: ATU 79395236


D‑U-N‑S: 315146694

Photo Credits

© Design: Carsten Abel­beck,
© Illus­tra­tio­nen: Frauke Menger,
© Header­bild auf Link­seite: 123rf/nicoelnino

Privacy Policy

▼ Table of Contents

1 Responsible Authority

We are happy about you visi­ting our website. We would like to intro­duce you to the respon­si­ble autho­rity in terms of data protec­tion law as appli­ca­ble:

Peter Pitton ATC
Kuef­stein­strasse 28/5
3107 St. Pölten, Austria
Phone: +49 173 6737599

2 General Information

Pursu­ant to our statu­tory obli­ga­ti­ons, we would like to inform you about the coll­ec­tion and use of your perso­nal data.

When you use our website, perso­nal data about you will be coll­ec­ted. This may happen by you ente­ring the data yours­elf, for example your e‑mail address. But our system also coll­ects your data auto­ma­ti­cally, for example when­ever you visit our website. This happens irre­spec­tive of the device or the soft­ware that you use to visit our website.

All data that you enter in our app is provi­ded volun­t­a­rily; there are no disad­van­ta­ges to you if you do not provide data. But without certain data, we are unable to provide services or to conclude contracts. When­ever such infor­ma­tion is neces­sary, we will point it out to you.

On this website, the user’s perso­nal data is only coll­ec­ted within the frame­work of the exis­ting data-protec­tion law, in parti­cu­lar the General Data Protec­tion Regu­la­tion (GDPR). The legal terms used in the text are defined in Art. 4 of the GDPR.

The GDPR allows data proces­sing in three cases in parti­cu­lar:

  • in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (a) and 7 GDPR, when you have consen­ted to us proces­sing your data; in this Privacy Policy and in the cases of consent pursu­ant to Art. 4 no. 11 GDPR, we will inform you in detail and each time for what purpo­ses and under what circum­s­tances your data will be proces­sed by us;
  • in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR, when proces­sing your perso­nal data is neces­sary for nego­tia­ting, conclu­ding or performing a contract;
  • in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, if the balan­cing of inte­rests leads to the conclu­sion that the proces­sing is neces­sary to protect our legi­ti­mate inte­rests; this means in parti­cu­lar our inte­rests to analyse, opti­mise and secure the offers on our website – meaning prima­rily the analy­sis of user beha­viour, setting up profiles for adver­ti­se­ment purpo­ses and storage of access data as well as the use of third-party providers.

2.1 Inven­tory Data

We collect inven­tory data as far as it is neces­sary to estab­lish, nego­tiate or amend a contract (inclu­ding one without remu­ne­ra­tion) between us and the user. This can be: custo­mer data (for example name, address), contact data (for example e‑mail address, phone number), service data (for example services ordered, dura­tion, payment). Upon estab­li­shing the user rela­ti­onship, we will ask you for this data (for example name, address and e‑mail address) and will also tell you which of the infor­ma­tion is requi­red to estab­lish the user relationship.

2.2 Usage Data

We also collect usage data to allow users to use the services on our website. These may consist of: usage infor­ma­tion (for example visited websites or parts, dura­tion of visit, inte­rest in services), content data (for example data, text, images, sounds, videos entered or uploa­ded by you), meta data (for example iden­tity of your device, loca­tion, IP address).

We will only combine usage data if and insofar as it is neces­sary for billing purpo­ses. Other­wise, we will only put toge­ther usage data pseud­ony­mously and only insofar as you have not objec­ted. You may send this objec­tion to the address indi­ca­ted in the “About Us” section or the respon­si­ble autho­rity indi­ca­ted in this Privacy Policy at any time.

The legal basis for this data proces­sing are our legi­ti­mate inte­rests pursu­ant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR in analy­sing the website and your use, possi­bly also the statu­tory permis­sion to store data as part of the nego­tia­tion of a contract pursu­ant to Art. 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR.

Further­more, our provi­der stores infor­ma­tion, the so-called server log files, each time the website is used; this is infor­ma­tion which is auto­ma­ti­cally trans­fer­red by your browser. In detail, this data consists of:

  • your IP address
  • type and version of your browser
  • host name
  • time of visit
  • the page from which you came to our page
  • name of the page opened
  • exact time of usage as well as
  • the amount of data transferred

This data will only be used for statis­ti­cal purpo­ses and do not allow us to iden­tify you as a user.

3 First Contact through Electronic Request

If you contact us in elec­tro­nic form (for example by mail, fax, phone, messen­ger, etc.), we store and process the data which you have given us (for example name, contact infor­ma­tion, content of the request). This is based on our legi­ti­mate inte­rest in an effec­tive commu­ni­ca­tion with custo­mers in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR and, as far as it concerns a request to enter into or to perform a contract, also with Article 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR.
We will only pass on this data to third parties as far as requi­red for the perfor­mance of the contract (in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR), by the over­whel­ming inte­rest in effec­tive services (in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR) or based on your consent (in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR) or if there is another legal permis­sion or obli­ga­tion.
You may ask us at any time and without any cost to provide infor­ma­tion about the purpose of the proces­sing, the origin and the reci­pi­ent, if any, of your data. You may also request that we correct, delete or limit the proces­sing of your perso­nal data. You may object against the (further) proces­sing of your data at any time and you have a right for the data to be made trans­fera­ble as well as the right to file a complaint with the compe­tent super­vi­sory agency.
In general, your data will only remain stored as long as requi­red by the purpose of the respec­tive data proces­sing. A longer storage is an option, in parti­cu­lar when requi­red in order to pursue our rights, for other legi­ti­mate inte­rests of ours or when there is a statu­tory duty to keep the data longer (for example record-keeping under tax law, statute of limitations).

4 Consent

When­ever we ask you for your consent for the proces­sing of your data, we will inform you in clear language and in an easily acces­si­ble way about the cases for which you will be gran­ting your consent. Any consent that we ask you for is volun­t­ary. Any advan­tage that you wish to gain by gran­ting consent is also available without consent; simply ask us.

Regar­ding any consent, you have the right to revoke any consent given to us for the proces­sing of your perso­nal data at any time. You just need to contact us without any parti­cu­lar formal requi­re­ment, for example through our contact form, an e‑mail to the e‑mail address indi­ca­ted in the “About Us” section or a link to unsub­scribe (if offered by us). Your with­dra­wal has no effect on the lega­lity of the data proces­sing carried out up to that point.

5 Storage Period

Gene­rally, your data will only remain stored as long as requi­red by the purpose of the respec­tive data proces­sing. Storage beyond that is possi­ble in parti­cu­lar if it is still requi­red for pursuing our rights or for other legi­ti­mate inte­rests of ours.
For your inven­tory data which were neces­sary to perform a contract (inclu­ding one without remu­ne­ra­tion), this means that we store this data until the complete perfor­mance or termi­na­tion of the contrac­tual rela­ti­onship plus the limi­ta­tion period (which is gene­rally 2 or 3 years) plus an adequate extra time for poten­tial inter­rup­ti­ons of the limi­ta­tion period.
For your usage data which was coll­ec­ted in the course of your use of the website, this means that we will store it only for the time still requi­red for the proper func­tion­a­lity of our website and as long as we still have a legi­ti­mate inte­rest. Statis­ti­cal infor­ma­tion will be prima­rily stored by us in pseud­ony­mous form.
Beyond that, we still store your data for as long as we are requi­red to do so by law. This concerns in parti­cu­lar the tax-law requi­re­ments to keep records, usually for 6 or even 10 years.

6 Users‘ Rights

You may request us anytime to provide infor­ma­tion about the perso­nal data stored about you free of charge. To avoid misuse, this will require perso­nal identification.

6.1 Dele­tion, Correc­tion, Limitation

You may at any time demand from us that we correct (or complete) incor­rect data as well as a limi­ta­tion of the proces­sing of data or dele­tion of your data. This applies in parti­cu­lar if the reason for proces­sing the data is no longer valid, if a requi­red consent has been revoked and there is no other legal basis or if our data proces­sing is unlawful. We will then correct, block or even delete your perso­nal data without delay as far as permit­ted by law.

6.2 Objec­tion

The right to object to adver­ti­se­ment is gover­ned by our text regar­ding consent:
Regar­ding any consent, you have the right to revoke any consent given to us for the proces­sing of your perso­nal data at any time. You just need to contact us without any parti­cu­lar formal requi­re­ment, for example through our contact form, an e‑mail to the e‑mail address indi­ca­ted in the “About Us” section or a link to unsub­scribe (if offered by us). Your with­dra­wal has no effect on the lega­lity of the data proces­sing carried out up to that point.

6.3 Data Transfer

You may request us to trans­fer the data stored about you in machine-reada­ble form.

6.4 Complaint

If you feel that our data proces­sing has viola­ted any of your rights, you may file a complaint with the compe­tent regu­la­tory agency (here you find a list of the agencies).

7 Changes to the Privacy Policy

If and when factual or legal reasons will compel us to amend the Privacy Policy, we will update this page accor­din­gly. This will not change the consent provi­ded by the user.

8 Data Entry

8.1 Encryp­tion of Data Entry

When you enter data on our website, whether in a contact form, during the regis­tra­tion process, when you log in or for payment purpo­ses, the website, where you enter the data, is encrypted. Thus, third parties can not read what you enter. You will reco­g­nise the encryp­tion by the lock symbol in your browser and by the URL begin­ning with “https“ instead of “http“.

8.2 Contact Forms

8.2.1 General contact form

When you fill out a contact form or when you send us an e‑mail or another elec­tro­nic message, your infor­ma­tion will be stored for the proces­sing of the request, for possi­ble follow-up ques­ti­ons or for other related ques­ti­ons and will only be used to follow up with the request.

Your data will be trans­fer­red in an encrypted manner, preven­ting third parties from reading your data while it is being entered.

Basis for this storage is the safe­guar­ding of our legi­ti­mate inte­rests in regard to commu­ni­ca­tion with inte­res­ted users pursu­ant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR and in the case of inqui­ries prior to ente­ring into a contract also the perfor­mance of a contract pursu­ant to Art. 6 para (b) GDPR.

Your data remains stored for as long as the proces­sing of the request requi­res, in parti­cu­lar as long as the storage is still neces­sary to perform the contract, to pursue our rights or for our other legi­ti­mate inte­rests or we are compel­led by law to keep your data stored (for example based on tax-law requi­re­ments to main­tain files).

This is our current valid privacy policy from 17.02.2025