The Art of Flight

Safe, comfortable, flexible

In safe hands

Avia­tion is one of the grea­test achie­ve­ments of our time. It has become our ever­y­day means of trans­port for people and goods. 

And what is of utmost importance: the trust in safety and relia­bi­lity of man and equipment.


Learn to fly

The dream of flying always fasci­na­ted humans. If you want to prac­tice, you’ll need specia­li­sed knowledge.

With proven theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal courses the pilot, instruc­tor and exami­ner Peter Pitton will support you.


Well advised

It’s not an ever­y­day choice to buy an aircraft.

If you finally decided so, you should have a thorough plan­ning process.

For this and all other topics Peter Pitton will support you with competence.
