Well advised.

Aviation Consulting

Well advised.

Aviation Consulting

Experience is understood perception -- immanuel kant

Aircraft Purchase and Operation

Complex decis­i­ons

You intend to buy an aircraft? This needs to be well thought out and prepared. I will be happy to advise you in the selec­tion process accor­ding to your indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments and demands.

Based on my many years of expe­ri­ence, I know how useful it is to prepare a detailed profile of requi­re­ments in advance. In busi­ness avia­tion there is a multi­tude of manu­fac­tu­r­ers, each offe­ring many diffe­rent aircraft. However, a closer look at all details of the requi­re­ment profile usually leaves only a few aircraft – if any at all- in the shortlist.

After a detailed market analy­sis, a decis­ion can then be made in favor of a new or used aircraft.


Since 2001 I have been assis­ting various custo­mers and aircraft owners in the selec­tion, purchase and commis­sio­ning of a wide variety of aircraft types: Single engine aircraft, Rotor­craft as well as various jets from the Cessna Cita­tion series.

  • Long-term coope­ra­tion with Euro­pean and Ameri­can aircraft dealers
  • Deli­very and coll­ec­tion e.g. of various aircraft, ranging from C525 (CJ1+) in 2006, Cessna Caravan C208B, Cita­tion XLS+ (C560XL/XLS), CJ2+, Cita­tion Sove­reign (C680), 2 Sove­reign+ (2018 und 2019).

Consulting offers

Aircraft purchase

Since there are few guide­books on this subject, I offer the follo­wing services as support.

Aircraft purchase services

  • Prepa­ra­tion of a requi­re­ment profile accor­ding to your indi­vi­dual needs (planned desti­na­ti­ons, expec­ted routes, number of passen­gers, budget, etc.) based on perso­nal inter­views and checklists.
  • Market analy­sis based on many years of expe­ri­ence and contacts
  • Refer­ral to dealers or manu­fac­tu­r­ers for new or used aircraft for the aircraft types considered.
  • Support during the purchase process
  • Accep­tance of the aircraft
  • Trans­fer of the aircraft to your home base

Flight Operations

Once the aircraft has been purcha­sed and regis­tered, it must be opera­ted. Here, it is important to know and comply with the appli­ca­ble regu­la­ti­ons and to enable safe, effi­ci­ent and comfor­ta­ble flight operations.

Commer­cial or non-commercial?

The first step is to decide whether an aircraft is opera­ted commer­ci­ally or non-commer­ci­ally.
I will be happy to help you select a partner company should you prefer commer­cial flight opera­ti­ons. This has the advan­tage that you are not only allowed to use the aircraft for your own needs and free of charge, but you can also trans­port (exter­nal) passen­gers or cargo commer­ci­ally and thus gene­rate income, during the times you are not using your aircraft yours­elf.
Should you wish to obtain your own AOC (Air Operator’s Certi­fi­cate), I will also be happy to assist you in word and deed.
Also in case of a non-commer­cial opera­tion (NCO or NCC) I will be glad to advise you regar­ding the neces­sary regu­la­tory paper­work, proce­du­res as well as the requi­red company and person­nel structures.

Do you need pilots?

Due to my many years of expe­ri­ence in busi­ness avia­tion as well as trai­ning and checking of pilots Europe-wide and world­wide, I can of course support you in the search and selec­tion of suita­ble personnel.

Gaining expe­ri­ence under supervision

Your pilots who have newly acqui­red one of the type ratings – C525 (-A, ‑B, ‑C), C560XL/XLS, C680, C680+, C680A – should or must (accor­ding to flight opera­tion regu­la­ti­ons) gain expe­ri­ence under supervision?

With my many years of expe­ri­ence in this area with custo­mers from the North-Western Europe (Isle of Man) all the way to Turkey and the Middle East and Africa (Libya, Senegal), I am also happy to provide advice and assis­tance by appointment.

Short-noticed pilot support required?

Do you need a pilot to rein­force your team at short notice or to provide a repla­ce­ment in case of vaca­tion or illness?

No problem on the models of the afore­men­tio­ned Cita­tion series.